We are dedicated to improving the life quality of children, youth and adults with cerebral palsy and their families, through a comprehensive care plan that promotes their maximum level of autonomy and inclusion in their environment.
To be in Nuevo Leon a reference in Mexico for the prevention, early diagnostic and integral care of people with cerebral palsy and similar conditions from early childhood, to improve their opportunities for development and inclusion.
Un matrimonio regiomontano buscó ayuda profesional en Monterrey para rehabilitar a su hijo con parálisis cerebral. No encontraron ningún lugar en donde se ofrecieran todas las terapias y atenciones que requiere un niño con esta discapacidad. Entonces, deciden iniciar el esfuerzo de apoyar integralmente a estos niños.
Así, nace el Nuevo Amanecer brindando atención a seis pacientes con tres terapistas y dos programas de atención. Ofreciéndoles terapia física y educación, con el objetivo de mejorar su calidad de vida y la de sus familias
Hoy en día y gracias al respaldo de nuestros donadores y a la comunidad en general, el Nuevo Amanecer ofrece 3 principales áreas de atención para alumnos: Médico-terapéutico, Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Estas áreas, junto con sus programas, brindan una atención integral a los alumnos con parálisis cerebral y a sus familias.
Contamos con alrededor de 130 empleados y la capacidad de atender hasta 500 niños y sus familias cada año.
Employees reaffirm their vocation for service and professionalism by reinventing themselves to continue fulfilling our mission.
Benefactors continue to be committed to the organization through their loyalty and generosity.
Volunteers donate their time, talent and knowledge to benefit children and youth with cerebral palsy.
Young people applied their knowledge for the benefit of their families by performing their community service and/or internships.
We seek to be the best option for our students. The awards and certifications obtained have strengthened the institutionalism and professionalism of our work.
Providing children, youth and adults, including their families, with comprehensive care, promoting in the institution a culture of professional and human service, with the philosophy of continuous improvement, through specialized programs, teamwork of our staff, the support of benefactors and the community in general.
Improve the level of quality of life and autonomy of the student through personalized and specialized programs in the areas of health, education and human development.
Ensure that families are self-managing in the care and inclusion of their children in their environment, expanding their knowledge and strengthening their emotional capacities
Promote the family, social and educational inclusion of the student in the community through alliances with key actors.
Involve the community in daily activities, promoting empathy and sensitivity towards people with cerebral palsy with knowledge about the disability.
Maintain a multiplyable model (of care and strengthening) that allows us to share our knowledge and increase the reach of beneficiaries.
Contribute to the economic sustainability of the Institute through services offered to other audiences.
Have strategic planning and quality systems that ensure the direction and operation of an effective model.
We love the cause and enjoy what we do.
We recognize the potential of the people we serve.
The needs of the students guide our actions.
We respect the value and dignity of human beings.
We accompany and teach families.
We are honest and congruent in our daily lives.
We are transparent in what we do.
We are accountable for the use of resources.
We always seek a “yes”.
We work as a team for the common good.
We believe in the power of communication.
We share what we know.
We achieve what we promise.
We are grateful for any help we receive.
The annual report represents a summary of the work carried out in each of the areas that make up : Nuevo Amanecer.
To consult our financial statements (RFC: INA780516BC5), you can access the following link: Financial statements